Memory allocator: talloc

Talloc is a hierarchical memory allocator which is used heavily inside SSSD instead of malloc. It allows you to manage memory of complex data structures more naturally by defining an oriented graph of memory context and its descendants and thus simplifying the data flow and error management. It also extends the allocator with runtime type safety and destructors.

See also

The talloc library provides many useful features and mastering it will help you to simplify the code and its logic a lot. However, this document provides only a basic description of talloc and its use cases and patterns inside the SSSD project. It is recommended for you to read the official Talloc Tutorial and API Reference to learn more about its features.

Talloc organizes allocated memory into an oriented graph. This makes it very easy to free complex data structures. See the following example to get the idea:

struct record {
    char *name;
    char *value;

struct record *r;

r = talloc_zero(NULL, struct record);
r->name = talloc_strdup(r, "Hello");
r->value = talloc_strdup(r, "World");

struct record {
    char *name;
    char *value;

struct record *r;

r = malloc(sizeof(struct record));
r->name = strdup("Hello");
r->value = strdup("World");


We create a simple hierarchy of memory contexts by associating name and value with the record r. This allows us to free the whole structure with a single call to talloc_free(r) whereas we have to free each field if we do not use talloc.

graph TD r((r)) n(name) v(value) linkStyle default interpolate basis style r fill:green,stroke:green,stroke-width:1px,fill-opacity:0.2 r --> n r --> v


There are many functions that can create a new talloc memory context. These functions always take an existing talloc context as an argument that is used as the parent context. The newly allocated memory context becomes a child of the existing context and will be automatically freed when the parent is freed.

For example talloc_new, talloc_zero, talloc_zero_array, talloc_strdup, talloc_strndup and talloc_asprintf.

The example above is very simple for the demonstration purpose. But we often have to use very complex and nested data structures in the real world and all of them can be freed with a single call to talloc_free if we maintain the correct memory hierarchy. We can look at struct sss_domain_info in confdb.h to see an example of such complex structure. If we create a correct hierarchy, we get the following graph (heavily simplified for demonstration purpose). Imagine how difficult it would be to create a function that would free all the content. With talloc, it is as simple as calling talloc_free(domain).

graph TD domain(domain) sysdb(sysdb) name(name) provider(provider) ldb(ldb) file(file) modules(modules) modules_child(...) rules(rules) rules_child(...) names(names) pattern(pattern) fmt(fmt) re(re) data(data) data_child(...) string(string) classDef struct fill:green,stroke:green,stroke-width:1px,fill-opacity:0.2 linkStyle default interpolate basis class domain,sysdb,ldb,modules,rules,names,re,data struct domain --> name domain --> provider domain --> sysdb domain --> names sysdb --> ldb sysdb --> file ldb --> modules --> modules_child ldb --> rules --> rules_child names --> pattern names --> fmt names --> re re --> data --> data_child re --> string
/* ... */

void free_sysdb(struct struct sysdb_ctx *sysdb)

void free_domain(struct sss_domain_info *domain)



Every pointer created by talloc is a memory context on its own.

Ideally, what you want to create is a nice oriented graph where nodes are structures and leaves are non-structure elements (e.g. strings). The path must follow the natural ordering that comes from the structure definition – that is structures are the parent memory contexts and their fields are their children as you can see from previous examples.

Sometimes (e.g. when your function produces an output values) you want to change the parent context. You can use talloc_steal or talloc_move for this operation.

struct record {
    char *name;
    char *value;

char *value = talloc_strdup(NULL, "Hello world!");
struct record *r;

r = talloc_zero(NULL, struct record);
r->name = talloc_strdup(r, "Hello");
r->value = talloc_steal(r, value)

It is possible to assign a destructor on a memory context. The destructor is a function that takes the context as an argument and is executed when the context is freed before any of its children are freed. This can be used to perform additional clean up when simple memory free is not sufficient.

int record_destructor(struct record *r)
    printf("Removing %s\n", r->name);

    return 0;

r = talloc_zero(NULL, struct record);
r->name = talloc_strdup(r, "Hello");
r->value = talloc_strdup(r, "World");

talloc_set_destructor(r, record_destructor);

See also

Checkout the example from the official Tutorial.

Talloc has the ability to produce dump of the complete tree from the first top level context down to the leaves. This information is very useful for debugging a memory leak since it can help you identify the talloc context that was not freed properly. Use the following snippet to produce the talloc report from a running process:

PROCESS=$(pidof sssd_nss)
sudo gdb -quiet -batch -p $PROCESS \
    -ex "set \$file = (FILE*)fopen(\"$FILE\", \"w+\")" \
    -ex 'call (void) talloc_report_full(0, $file)' \
    -ex 'detach' \
    -ex 'quit' &> /dev/null

Since sssd-2.9.3 talloc_enable_null_tracking() is called when starting long running processes. As a result all allocations are reported by talloc_report_full() when used on NULL(0).

sssd-2.6 - sssd-2.9.2
PROCESS=$(pidof sssd_nss)
sudo gdb -quiet -batch -p $PROCESS \
    -ex "set \$file = (FILE*)fopen(\"$FILE\", \"w+\")" \
    -ex 'call (void) talloc_report_full(autofree_ctx, $file)' \
    -ex 'detach' \
    -ex 'quit' &> /dev/null

Since ssssd-2.6 the dedicated local context autofree_ctx is used instead of the deprecated talloc_autofree_context().

sssd-2.5 and older
PROCESS=$(pidof sssd_nss)
sudo gdb -quiet -batch -p $PROCESS \
    -ex "set \$file = (FILE*)fopen(\"$FILE\", \"w+\")" \
    -ex 'call (void) talloc_enable_null_tracking()' \
    -ex 'call (void) talloc_report_full(0, $file)' \
    -ex 'detach' \
    -ex 'quit' &> /dev/null

SSSD versions older than SSSD-2.6.0 use the deprecated talloc_autofree_context() main context instead of the dedicated local context autofree_ctx.

To allow gdb to handle the FILE type correctly and the autofree_ctx symbol debug information should be installed at least for glibc and SSSD. You can call

dnf debuginfo-install glibc sssd-common
apt install sssd-common-dbgsym libc6-dbg

to install the needed packages.

The report shows the current memory hierarchy that is in the process. When investigating a memory leak, you want to check for all blocks that are attached to the top level autofree_context (or null_context) and for all contexts that appear more times than what is expected. The following snippet shows an example output so you can get the idea how the report looks like.

full talloc report on 'autofree_context' (total  27436 bytes in 362 blocks)
    struct tevent_context          contains  27436 bytes in 360 blocks (ref 0) 0x14f65a0
        struct tevent_fd               contains    112 bytes in   1 blocks (ref 0) 0x15079c0
        struct tevent_timer            contains    104 bytes in   1 blocks (ref 0) 0x15076b0
        struct tevent_fd               contains    112 bytes in   1 blocks (ref 0) 0x1508e20
        struct tevent_signal           contains    112 bytes in   3 blocks (ref 0) 0x14f7830
            reference to: struct tevent_sig_state
            struct tevent_common_signal_list contains     24 bytes in   1 blocks (ref 0) 0x14f78f0
        struct tevent_signal           contains    112 bytes in   3 blocks (ref 0) 0x14f7560
            reference to: struct tevent_sig_state
            struct tevent_common_signal_list contains     24 bytes in   1 blocks (ref 0) 0x14f7620
        struct tevent_fd               contains    112 bytes in   1 blocks (ref 0) 0x14f6940
        struct main_context            contains  26404 bytes in 346 blocks (ref 0) 0x14f68c0
            struct resp_ctx                contains  19908 bytes in 234 blocks (ref 0) 0x1507ff0
                struct cli_ctx                 contains    512 bytes in   6 blocks (ref 0) 0x1526170
                    struct tevent_timer            contains    104 bytes in   1 blocks (ref 0) 0x151bc90
                    struct tevent_fd               contains    112 bytes in   1 blocks (ref 0) 0x1529f60
                    struct nss_state_ctx           contains     56 bytes in   1 blocks (ref 0) 0x1509310
                    struct cli_protocol            contains     16 bytes in   1 blocks (ref 0) 0x1526af0
                    struct cli_creds               contains     24 bytes in   1 blocks (ref 0) 0x1529ee0

See that it keeps the memory hierarchy with indentation so you can tell what is the parent context and how much memory does it take. The first line, the autofree_context (or null_context), is the top level memory context.

Please note that for SSSD versions older than 2.9.3, memory allocated with NULL given as parent (e.g. talloc_new(NULL)), will not be shown in the hierarchy by default. For the SSSD versions newer than SSSD-2.6.0 the hierarchy below SSSD’s internal autofree_context is printed while for older versions the hierarchy below the deprecated libtalloc internal autofree_context.

To be able to collect information about memory allocated on the parent NULL talloc_enable_null_tracking() must be called. But only allocations done after the call will be recorded. Since the script for older version of SSSD is already calling talloc_enable_null_tracking() (here to enable the output of libtalloc’s internal autofree_context), calling it a second time would show allocations with the NULL parent as well if there were any between the two runs of the script. In general, if the NULL parent should be reported as well, it would be better to call e.g.

sudo gdb -quiet -batch -p $(pidof sssd_nss) \
    -ex 'call (void) talloc_enable_null_tracking()' \
    -ex 'detach' \
    -ex 'quit' &> /dev/null

shortly after the start of SSSD, then wait a bit or run some operations which should trigger allocations on the NULL parent you are interested in and then call the report script.

Since sssd-2.9.3 talloc_enable_null_tracking() is called during the initialization of long running processes and the allocations on the NULL context are always reported as well.

Talloc can help you simplify memory clean up on both failures and success. When following the right patterns, it can also help you to detect memory leaks (see Identifying memory leaks for details).

A temporary memory context has a lifetime of the function execution. It is created when entering the function and destroyed when the function returns. It has to be attached to the top level NULL context so it is easily visible in the talloc report if it is not freed properly. Any data that the function allocates is attached to this temporary context so it can be freed with one call to talloc_free.


It is very important to use NULL as the parent for temporary context. This makes it visible if you forget to free it. If you use any other parent, the temporary context will be freed when the parent is freed and it will hide the fact that you forget to free the temporary context explicitly. This does not create issues at first glance but the reality is that it creates a memory leak for the lifetime of the parent context which may or may not be significant.

Using a temporary context is the main pattern that will help you properly clean up and avoid memory leaks. If the function also produces any output data, this data is stolen to the desired memory context at the very end. We use mem_ctx and tmp_ctx names for the target and temporary contexts.

struct record *record_init(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
                           const char *name,
                           const char *value);

errno_t fetch_records(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
                      struct record **_r1,
                      struct record **_r2)
    TALLOC_CTX *tmp_ctx;
    struct record *r1;
    struct record *r2;
    errno_t ret;

    /* Create a temporary talloc memory context on the top level context. */
    tmp_ctx = talloc_new(NULL);
    if (tmp_ctx == NULL) {
        return ENOMEM;

    /* Allocate working data on the temporary context. */
    r1 = record_init(tmp_ctx, "name", "John Doe");
    if (r1 == NULL) {
        ret = ENOMEM;
        goto done;

    /* Allocate working data on the temporary context. */
    r2 = record_init(tmp_ctx, "name", "Helen Doe");
    if (r2 == NULL) {
        ret = ENOMEM;
        goto done;

    /* Change parent context to mem_ctx. */
    *_r1 = talloc_steal(mem_ctx, r1);
    *_r2 = talloc_steal(mem_ctx, r2);

    ret = EOK;

    /* Free all temporary data. */

    return ret;

It is not always necessary to use a standalone temporary context if the function does not require any temporary data and we can free everything with one call to talloc_free in case of failure. This is often the case for constructors.

struct record *record_init(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
                           const char *name,
                           const char *value)
    struct record *r;
    errno_t ret;

    r = talloc_zero(NULL, struct record);
    if (r == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    r->name = talloc_strdup(r, name);
    if (r->name == NULL) {
        goto fail;

    r->value = talloc_strdup(r, value);
    if (r->value == NULL) {
        goto fail;

    talloc_steal(mem_ctx, r);

    return r;

    return NULL;