Asynchronous programming: tevent
SSSD can handle many user requests in parallel. However, the project does not use threads to serve the incoming requests but it uses a talloc-based event loop implementation called tevent. Using tevent allows us to neatly avoid blocking during communication with remote servers and other processes but at the same time we do not have to deal with complicated thread management and locks since all the code run in a single thread.
See also
The tevent library provides many useful features and mastering it will help you to simplify the code and its logic a lot. However, this document provides only a basic description of tevent and its use cases and patterns inside the SSSD project. It is recommended for you to read the official Tevent Tutorial and API Reference to learn more about its features.
Event loop
Event loop is an infinite cycle that awaits an event and executes the registered event handler when the event is received. The program goes back to the event loop when the handler is done. The event loop uses various mechanisms to receive different event types, you may be already familiar with select or epoll that deals with asynchronous input and output operations (read and write to a socket).
loop)) handler(Event handler) io(Start asynchronous I/O) linkStyle default interpolate basis classDef handler fill:green,stroke:green,stroke-width:1px,fill-opacity:0.2 style loop fill:red,stroke:red,stroke-width:1px,fill-opacity:0.2,font-weight:bold class handler,io handler loop -. await event .-> loop loop -- event received ---> handler handler -- register new event handler ---> io io --> loop
Event types
The tevent library has support for various event types.
- Signals
Signals are a basic IPC mechanism. Tevent provides its own implementation of signal handlers. SSSD listens to various standard signals to manage its components. See tevent_add_signal for more details.
- File descriptor events
These events implement a non-blocking input and output operations. They are triggered when a file descriptor is readable or writable. SSSD uses this for communication with remote server as well as for inter-process communication between SSSD’s components. See tevent_add_fd for more details.
- Timer events
This can setup a delay task that is fired after a given amount of time. Timers are heavily used inside SSSD to perform different kinds of periodic tasks such as background cache refresh. See tevent_add_timer for more details.
- Immediate events
When an immediate event is created, it is executed immediately when the control gets back to the event loop. This kind of events can be used to postpone an operation and sometimes to simplify the code logic. SSSD sometimes utilize immediate events to free shared resources. See tevent_create_immediate and tevent_schedule_immediate for more details.
- Requests
Tevent requests are a special event type that helps you keep asynchronous code readable with a neat request flow supported by a well defined coding pattern. These are the backbone of SSSD and they are explained in more details in Tevent requests.
The following samples illustrate the basic usage of file descriptor events as well as timers, signals and immediate events. Please refer to the Tevent Tutorial and API Reference for more information on registering event handlers.
* React on SIGUSR1 signal.
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tevent.h>
static void handler(struct tevent_context *ev,
struct tevent_signal *se,
int signum,
int count,
void *siginfo,
void *private_data)
puts("Signal received.");
int main()
struct tevent_context *ev;
struct tevent_signal *sig;
int i;
/* Initialize tevent context. */
ev = tevent_context_init(NULL);
if (ev == NULL) {
return 1;
sig = tevent_add_signal(ev, NULL, SIGUSR1, 0, handler, NULL);
if (sig == NULL) {
return 2;
return 0;
$ $ gcc ./main.c -ltalloc -ltevent |
$ ./a.out |
| $ kill -s SIGUSR1 $(pidof a.out)
Signal received. |
| $ kill -s SIGUSR1 $(pidof a.out)
Signal received. |
* Read from a remote connection whenever some data is ready.
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <tevent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int open_socket(int *_fd)
struct sockaddr_in addr;
int ret;
int fd;
fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (fd == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create socket\n");
return EIO;
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_port = htons(3333);
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
ret = connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
if (ret != 0) {
ret = errno;
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to connect to localhost:3333 [%d]: %s\n",
ret, strerror(ret));
return ret;
*_fd = fd;
return 0;
static void fd_readable_handler(struct tevent_context *ev,
struct tevent_fd *fde,
uint16_t flags,
void *pvt)
int fd = *(int*)pvt;
char buf[255] = {0};
int ret;
puts("File descriptor is readable!");
ret = read(fd, &buf, 254);
printf("ret = %d, errno = %d\n", ret, errno);
printf("Data read: %s\n", buf);
int main()
struct tevent_context *ev;
struct tevent_fd *fde;
int ret;
int fd;
/* Initialize tevent context. */
ev = tevent_context_init(NULL);
if (ev == NULL) {
puts("Unable to create tevent context.");
return 1;
/* Open socket. */
ret = open_socket(&fd);
if (ret != 0) {
puts("Unable to open socket.");
return 1;
/* Register event handler - executed when the fd is readable */
fde = tevent_add_fd(ev, NULL, fd, TEVENT_FD_READ, fd_readable_handler, &fd);
if (fde == NULL) {
puts("Unable to create fde.");
return 1;
/* Enter the event loop. */
while (true) {
$ ncat -v -l 3333 |
Ncat: Version 7.80 ( ) |
Ncat: Listening on |
| $ gcc ./main.c -ltalloc -ltevent
| $ ./a.out
Ncat: Connection from |
Ncat: Connection from |
hello |
| File descriptor is readable!
| ret = 6, errno = 0
| Data read: hello
world |
| File descriptor is readable!
| ret = 6, errno = 0
| Data read: world
* Execute handler after five seconds.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tevent.h>
static void handler(struct tevent_context *ev,
struct tevent_timer *tim,
struct timeval current_time,
void *private_data)
puts("I was executed with some delay.");
int main()
struct tevent_context *ev;
struct tevent_timer *te;
struct timeval delay;
/* Initialize tevent context. */
ev = tevent_context_init(NULL);
if (ev == NULL) {
return 1;
delay = tevent_timeval_current_ofs(5, 0); // Execute handler after 5 seconds
te = tevent_add_timer(ev, NULL, delay, handler, NULL);
if (te == NULL) {
return 2;
return 0;
$ gcc ./main.c -ltalloc -ltevent
$ ./a.out
I was executed with some delay.
* Schedule an immediate event and finish.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tevent.h>
void handler(struct tevent_context *ctx, struct tevent_immediate *im, void *pvt)
puts("Hello world.");
int main()
struct tevent_context *ev;
struct tevent_immediate *im;
int i;
/* Initialize tevent context. */
ev = tevent_context_init(NULL);
if (ev == NULL) {
return 1;
im = tevent_create_immediate(ev);
if (im == NULL) {
return 2;
tevent_schedule_immediate(im, ev, handler, NULL);
return 0;
$ gcc ./main.c -ltalloc -ltevent
$ ./a.out
Hello world.
It is important to understand how these low level events work, however you most likely will not need to work with them directly since SSSD already provides a higher level API around them that is implemented via tevent requests (for example periodic tasks, querying an LDAP server, etc.).
Tevent requests are fundamental part of SSSD code. They provide a high level interface to asynchronous programming and you will work with them and even create them all the time. Therefore it is recommended to pay extra attention to the following chapter.
Tevent requests
Tevent requests is a callback-based API. They are an entry point to the low level asynchronous events (such as non-blocking input and output operations) and they provide a unified callback interface that helps you write asynchronous code that reads and feels almost like a synchronous code. The readability and simplicity of such code is improved dramatically just by following a specific coding pattern and naming conventions.
The following diagram shows you the basic request flow to give you initial idea
about tevent requests. It share some resemblance with async/await
of modern languages or Javascript’s Promise
Request components
Each request is associated with its internal state (a structure), it needs to be named, created, finished and consumed. When the request is created it starts an asynchronous operation by registering a low level event (fd, timer, immediate). The request itself does not always have to register the low level event, but since the requests can be nested it often instantiates a subrequest instead. However the event handler is always registered at the end of the nested request chain and the code steps into the asynchronous processing.
The request components are:
- state structure (state)
The request data are always stored in a structure. This data are accessible in every part of the requests. It is a talloc memory context that is often use as a parent for internal request data.
- send function (send)
This is the entry point to the request. it creates the request using
and it also either initializes an asynchronous operation or sends another subrequest after the request is created.- done function (done)
This is the request terminator. It finishes the request with
. A callback associated with the request is called once it is finished.- step function (step)
Sometimes the request is more complicated and it requires multiple steps to finish. There can be multiple step functions that takes place between send and done. For example the request may perform an asynchronous iteration, like obtaining multiple objects from LDAP in sequence.
- receiver function (recv)
The output data are consumed by the caller using a receiver.
- caller
Caller is the request consumer. It sends the requests and registers a callback that is executed when the request is finished. The callback then consumes requests output by calling the receiver.
The following diagram shows you the execution flow of a request:
Naming conventions
The naming conventions make it easy to orient in tevent requests code. Let us
assume we have a request named fetch_user
. The correct component names are:
Component |
Name |
state |
send |
done |
recv |
See how the _state
, _send
, _done
and _recv
suffixes are used.
Additionally, we use variable names req
and subreq
to resemble the
current request and its subrequest.
It is also important to write the components in correct order. The goal is to be able to read the request code from top to bottom so it can be nicely read as a synchronous code. The expected and mandatory order is:
struct fetch_user_state;
struct tevent_req *fetch_user_send(...);
void fetch_user_done(...);
errno_t fetch_user_recv(...);
Example request
Let’s implement the request fetch_user
from Naming conventions. The
purpose of this request is to lookup a user by name in an LDAP server. The
example will issue a subrequest instead of implementing asynchronous
communication with the remote server in order to maintain simplicity. The steps
Create the request
The request will reuse already existing request
that handles the communication with the LDAP serverOnce the query is finished we will read the result and store it in the state
We will finish the request
struct fetch_user_state {
struct ldap_result *result;
static void fetch_user_done(struct tevent_req *subreq);
struct tevent_req *fetch_user_send(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
struct tevent_context *ev,
const char *name)
struct fetch_user_state *state;
struct tevent_req *subreq;
struct tevent_req *req;
errno_t ret;
req = tevent_req_create(mem_ctx, &state, struct fetch_user_state);
if (req == NULL) {
DEBUG(SSSDBG_CRIT_FAILURE, "tevent_req_create() failed\n");
return NULL;
subreq = query_ldap_send(state, ev, "(name=%s)", name);
if (subreq == NULL) {
ret = ENOMEM;
goto done;
tevent_req_set_callback(subreq, fetch_user_done, req);
return req;
tevent_req_error(req, ret);
tevent_req_post(req, ev);
return req;
static void fetch_user_done(struct tevent_req *subreq)
struct fetch_user_state *state;
struct tevent_req *req;
errno_t ret;
req = tevent_req_callback_data(subreq, struct tevent_req);
state = tevent_req_data(req, struct fetch_user_state);
ret = query_ldap_recv(state, subreq, &state->result);
if (ret != EOK) {
goto done;
if (ret != EOK) {
tevent_req_error(req, ret);
errno_t fetch_user_recv(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
struct tevent_req *req,
struct ldap_result **_result)
struct fetch_user_state *state = NULL;
state = tevent_req_data(req, struct fetch_user_state);
*_result = talloc_steal(mem_ctx, state->result);
return EOK;
If an error occurs before the request had a chance to step into an
asynchronous processing (that is any error in the send function) before the
caller had a chance to register a callback, it is necessary to call
. This makes sure that the callback is executed once it
is registered.
If the request finished successfully it is terminated with
. If it ends with an error then use tevent_req_error
Both functions will execute the caller’s callback immediately if it is
Calling the request
The previous chapter showed how the request is created. The following example shows how it is used.
errno_t caller(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
struct tevent_context *ev)
struct tevent_req *req;
errno_t ret;
req = fetch_user_send(mem_Ctx, ev, "John Doe");
if (req == NULL) {
return ENOMEM;
tevent_req_set_callback(req, caller_done, /* private data if any */ NULL);
void caller_done(struct tevent_req *req)
struct ldap_result *result;
ret = fetch_user_recv(NULL, req, &result);
if (ret != EOK) {
goto done;
See how the request is freed immediately after fetch_user_recv
called. This step is an important coding pattern to ensure that no memory is
The caller is usually executed from the event loop as a reaction to an incoming
event, usually when a user requested a specific operation like calling a HTTP
on an HTTP server. The example code can be translated into a sequence
diagram to illustrate the flow further.
The caller itself does not need to know what happens internally in the
request. Therefore the execution flow can be simplified and
translated into the following sequence, which nicely illustrates how an
asynchronous code can be read and written with a synchronous code flow using the
tevent requests.