
This is a design page. It was used to design and discuss the initial implementation of the change. However, the state of this document does not necessarily correspond to the current state of the implementation since we do not keep this document up to date with further changes and bug fixes.

Integrate SSSD with CIFS Client

Related tickets:

Designs and tickets this design (might) depend:

Although mapping of POSIX UIDs and SIDs is not needed mounting a CIFS share it might become necessary when working with files on the share, e.g. when modifying ACLs. Up to version 5.8 the cifs-utils package uses Winbind for this exclusively and the following binaries were linked against libwbclient:

  • /usr/bin/getcifsacl

  • /usr/bin/setcifsacl

  • /usr/sbin/cifs.idmap

With version 5.9 of cifs-utils a plugin interface was introduced by Jeff Layton (Thank you very much Jeff) to allow services other than winbind to handle the mapping of POSIX UIDs and SIDs. SSSD will provide a plugin to allow the cifs-utils to ask SSSD to map the ID. With this plugin an SSSD client can access a CIFS share with the same functionality as a client running Winbind.

Environment where FreeIPA and AD trusts are used already, but also Samba file server should be used. It’s important that UNIX IDs are mapped the same way in all utilities, then and all IDs are consistent.

There are two parts of this feature - a plugin for cifs-utils and a library implementing the winbind API, but with SSSD calls. Both these parts are fairly self-contained and do not touch the SSSD internals. See the next section for the implementation details.

The plugin interface is defined in cifsidmap.h which can be found in the cifs-utils-devel package. For easier reference a copy of the relevant section is included below.

  • From the 6 expected functions, cifs_idmap_init_plugin() and cifs_idmap_exit_plugin() are obvious.

  • cifs_idmap_sid_to_str() and cifs_idmap_str_to_sid() are SID-to-Name and Name-to-SID mappings as discussed in NSSResponderIDMappingCalls. I think the new libsss_nss_idmap.so mentioned there can be used here, too.

  • cifs_idmap_sids_to_ids() and cifs_idmap_ids_to_sids() are the ID mapping calls. Although it might be possible possible to map IDs algorithmically without talking to SSSD I think those calls should also reach out to SSSD to do the mapping. The main reason is to allow other kind of mappings (e.g. using POSIX attributes if available in AD).

     57 /*
     58  * Plugins should implement the following functions:
     59  */
     61 /**
     62  * cifs_idmap_init_plugin - Initialize the plugin interface
     63  * @handle - return pointer for an opaque handle
     64  * @errmsg - pointer to error message pointer
     65  *
     66  * This function should do whatever is required to establish a context
     67  * for later ID mapping operations. The "handle" is an opaque context
     68  * cookie that will be passed in on subsequent ID mapping operations.
     69  * The errmsg is used to pass back an error string both during the init
     70  * and in subsequent idmapping functions. On any error, the plugin
     71  * should point *errmsg at a string describing that error. Returns 0
     72  * on success and non-zero on error.
     73  *
     74  * int cifs_idmap_init_plugin(void **handle, const char **errmsg);
     75  */
     77 /**
     78  * cifs_idmap_exit_plugin - Destroy an idmapping context
     79  * @handle - context handle that should be destroyed
     80  *
     81  * When programs are finished with the idmapping plugin, they'll call
     82  * this function to destroy any context that was created during the
     83  * init_plugin. The handle passed back in was the one given by the init
     84  * routine.
     85  *
     86  * void cifs_idmap_exit_plugin(void *handle);
     87  */
     89 /**
     90  * cifs_idmap_sid_to_str - convert cifs_sid to a string
     91  * @handle - context handle
     92  * @sid    - pointer to a cifs_sid
     93  * @name   - return pointer for the name
     94  *
     95  * This function should convert the given cifs_sid to a string
     96  * representation or mapped name in a heap-allocated buffer. The caller
     97  * of this function is expected to free "name" on success. Returns 0 on
     98  * success and non-zero on error. On error, the errmsg pointer passed
     99  * in to the init_plugin function should point to an error string. The
    100  * caller will not free the error string.
    101  *
    102  * int cifs_idmap_sid_to_str(void *handle, const struct cifs_sid *sid,
    103  *                              char **name);
    104  */
    106 /**
    107  * cifs_idmap_str_to_sid - convert string to struct cifs_sid
    108  * @handle - context handle
    109  * @name   - pointer to name string to be converted
    110  * @sid    - pointer to struct cifs_sid where result should go
    111  *
    112  * This function converts a name string or string representation of
    113  * a SID to a struct cifs_sid. The cifs_sid should already be
    114  * allocated. Returns 0 on success and non-zero on error. On error, the
    115  * plugin should reset the errmsg pointer passed to the init_plugin
    116  * function to an error string. The caller will not free the error string.
    117  *
    118  * int cifs_idmap_str_to_sid(void *handle, const char *name,
    119  *                              struct cifs_sid *sid);
    120  */
    122 /**
    123  * cifs_idmap_sids_to_ids - convert struct cifs_sids to struct cifs_uxids
    124  * @handle - context handle
    125  * @sid    - pointer to array of struct cifs_sids to be converted
    126  * @num    - number of SIDs to be converted
    127  * @cuxid  - pointer to preallocated array of struct cifs_uxids for return
    128  *
    129  * This function should map an array of struct cifs_sids to an array of
    130  * struct cifs_uxids.
    131  *
    132  * Returns 0 if at least one conversion was successful and non-zero on error.
    133  * Any that were not successfully converted will have a cuxid->type of
    135  *
    136  * On any error, the plugin should reset the errmsg pointer passed to the
    137  * init_plugin function to an error string. The caller will not free the error
    138  * string.
    139  *
    140  * int cifs_idmap_sids_to_ids(void *handle, const struct cifs_sid *sid,
    141  *                              const size_t num, struct cifs_uxid *cuxid);
    142  */
    144 /**
    145  * cifs_idmap_ids_to_sids - convert uid to struct cifs_sid
    146  * @handle - context handle
    147  * @cuxid  - pointer to array of struct cifs_uxid to be converted to SIDs
    148  * @num    - number of cifs_uxids to be converted to SIDs
    149  * @sid    - pointer to preallocated array of struct cifs_sid where results
    150  *           should be stored
    151  *
    152  * This function should map an array of cifs_uxids an array of struct cifs_sids.
    153  * Returns 0 if at least one conversion was successful and non-zero on error.
    154  * Any SIDs that were not successfully converted should have their revision
    155  * number set to 0.
    156  *
    157  * On any error, the plugin should reset the errmsg pointer passed to the
    158  * init_plugin function to an error string. The caller will not free the error
    159  * string.
    160  *
    161  * int cifs_idmap_ids_to_sids(void *handle, const struct cifs_uxid *cuxid,
    162  *                              const size_t num, struct cifs_sid *sid);
    163  */

SSSD will provide a plugin which will basically act as a wrapper for the calls in libsss_nss_idmap.so.

The libwbclient plugin will include implementation of the following functions that call into SSSD:


If there is no plugin for the CIFS client utilities or the plugin cannot resolve the SIDs to names getcifsacl will only show the SID strings in the output:

# getcifsacl /tmp/bla/Users/Administrator/Desktop/putty.exe

otherwise the output might look like

# getcifsacl /tmp/bla/Users/Administrator/Desktop/putty.exe
GROUP:AD18\Domain Users

If the cifsacl mount option is used the cifs kernel module will call cifs.idmap to translate the Windows SIDs into the corresponding UIDs/GIDs of the client system so that the ownership of the files in the mounted file system is not mapped to the user how mounted the file system, but corresponds to the owning user and group of the Windows domain.

Switching between the Winbind implementation and the SSSD implementation can be done using alternatives:

alternatives --set libwbclient.so.11 /usr/lib64/sssd/modules/libwbclient.so.0.11.0
alternatives --list

When SSSD is set as the libwbclient implementation, you can test the calls using wbinfo:

$ /usr/bin/wbinfo -n 'AD18\Administrator'
S-1-5-21-3090815309-2627318493-3395719201-500 SID_USER (1)
$ /usr/bin/wbinfo -S S-1-5-21-3090815309-2627318493-3395719201-500

The following switches can be used to test the functions mentioned in the implementation section:

-n, --name-to-sid=NAME                Converts name to SID
-s, --sid-to-name=SID                 Converts SID to name
-U, --uid-to-sid=UID                  Converts UID to SID
-G, --gid-to-sid=GID                  Converts GID to SID
-S, --sid-to-uid=SID                  Converts SID to UID
-Y, --sid-to-gid=SID                  Converts SID to GID
-i, --user-info=USER                  Get user info
    --uid-info=UID                    Get user info from UID
    --group-info=GROUP                Get group info
    --user-sidinfo=SID                Get user info from SID
    --gid-info=GID                    Get group info from GID
-r, --user-groups=USER                Get user groups


Sumit Bose <sbose@redhat.com>