
This is a design page. It was used to design and discuss the initial implementation of the change. However, the state of this document does not necessarily correspond to the current state of the implementation since we do not keep this document up to date with further changes and bug fixes.

Passkey - Authentication in a centralized environment

The use of new tools to authenticate users, such as 2FA, U2F and FIDO2, is becoming increasingly popular and currently SSSD doesn’t provide any way to use the latter. This diminishes the value provided by SSSD in some environments like big companies and governments, where the usage of these authentication mechanisms is becoming a common pattern.

SSSD should provide a way to authenticate users that use a passkey. This would add more value by attracting the types of users mentioned in the previous paragraph.

For the purpose of this feature, passkey is a FIDO2 compatible device supported by the libfido2 library. If a hardware token implements other authentication mechanisms aside from FIDO2, these aren’t considered by this feature.

As a user, I want to sit in front of a system enrolled into a centralized identity management solution and log in (desktop and/or terminal) using a passkey device connected to the system.

The objective is to use a passkey to locally authenticate a user against centralized identity management system. For that purpose an integration with an LDAP server like AD or FreeIPA is needed.

First, the key is registered in the LDAP server. Then, the SSSD clients should get the user credentials from this server, including the user key mapping data. On top of that, SSSD should communicate with the key to get the information stored in the device. Once this is done, SSSD should use all this data to authenticate the user.

The biggest advantage of this approach is the usage of a central repository to store the user’s credentials. In the long term this gives more flexibility as the users and keys can be authorized and revoked by the system administrator easily.

The implementation will loosely follow existing smartcard authentication in SSSD. On top of that, and as mentioned before, the information will be stored in two places: in the LDAP server and on the passkey. The server will contain the public user credentials, including the user key mapping data, while the passkey device will store the private key necessary to authenticate the user.

The first step is to register the user with a key. SSSD provides a helper utility to handle the passkeys, and it can be used to create the key mapping string (similar to pamu2fcfg). Instead of calling the helper utility from the command line the system administrator uses sssctl. This enables to unify the user experience. If sssctl is run by an unprivileged user, then additional udev rules might need to be configured. Please, check the instructions from the key provider to know how to add them.

The output of this command can be set to the LDAP server in a dedicated attribute. For AD we use the altSecurityIdentities with a prefix (i.e. passkey). For FreeIPA we use a new attribute called ipapasskey from the ipapasskeyuser objectclass . For any other LDAP server we use the passkey attribute.

The format for the key mapping is passkey:credentialId,pemPublicKey.

FreeIPA provides a direct way to register the passkey attributes to the user entry. As specified in FreeIPA’s documentation this can be done with the ipa user-add-passkey command or directly in the WebUI. This way FreeIPA can take advantage of the SSSD and libfido2 integration to communicate with the device in a single step.

The users, or the system administrator, calls sssctl. The user can manually add this information to their AD object using AD’s ‘User and Computers’ utility, or any other attribute in case of another LDAP server.

FreeIPA ID provider uses LDAP attribute ipaPassKey to retrieve the passkey mapping data string as part of the user search in the backend. Store this in the sysdb. The passkey mapping is obtained during the registration phase. Example:

  • ipapasskey: passkey:9S87qLk8/RxYJ3skwwYduomAM+/HDtz41N0+w/vRL6aGKJkLMsg+2OhO0E8pK5DuO1KmdK61K8PmH7jiYuOqbg==,9YE1s/f7J47h2A/DXCVFWulqoBXFzCSxcbGEBadkpSUFjwUudhPLnPUTv2qNamakXJgRYCZQ7vpS/t5zXMLnkw==

In the Active Directory case, the altSecurityIdentities LDAP attribute is used to store the passkey mapping data. Example:

  • altSecurityIdentities: passkey:9S87qLk8/RxYJ3skwwYduomAM+/HDtz41N0+w/vRL6aGKJkLMsg+2OhO0E8pK5DuO1KmdK61K8PmH7jiYuOqbg==,9YE1s/f7J47h2A/DXCVFWulqoBXFzCSxcbGEBadkpSUFjwUudhPLnPUTv2qNamakXJgRYCZQ7vpS/t5zXMLnkw==

Finally, IPA iparequireuserverification LDAP attribute is retrieved from the IPA passkey configuration. Store this in the sysdb associated with the IPA domain. This attribute stores a string (on, off, default). Example:

  • iparequireuserverification: on

The idea is to create a helper process similar to the p11_child. The helper process receives the passkey’s user key mapping data as an argument alongside other parameters (check Configuration options for more information).

This helper process heavily relies on the libfido2 library. The first steps are to initialize the library and get the list of keys connected to the system. Next the helper process loads the configuration parameters in the assert structure, that comprises a collection of statements, each statement has a mapping for a challenge, a credential, a signature, and ancillary attributes. Finally, the helper process opens the key device and ask it for an authentication according to the information provided in the assert structure.

In pam_forwarder() check if passkey authentication is enabled (if pam_passkey_auth boolean option is true and pam cmd == SSS_PAM_AUTHENTICATE). If so, lookup the sysdb user object of the user logging in and read the sysdb passkey mapping value. Parse out the key-handle and public-key strings from the passkey mapping value. Read passkey related configuration options (passkey_verification, passkey_child_timeout, debug_libfido2) and set up the arguments (Domain, Key-handle and Public-key) for the passkey-child.

Execute the passkey_child passing the arguments listed above. The passkey PIN is retrieved from the PAM conversation and written to the stdin of the forked passkey child process(Similar to get_p11_child_write_buffer()). Check the passkey_child return code, return PAM_SUCCESS or failure based on the result and call pam_reply().

The prompting is handled by the PAM responder. For that purpose, the passkey related authtokens is added in src/util/authtok.c, sss_authtok_set_passkey_pin() and sss_authtok_get_passkey_pin().

In src/sss_client/pam_sss.c add a prompt_passkey() option which takes the prompt as an argument to call do_pam_conversation(). This sets the type SSS_AUTHTOK_TYPE_PASSKEY_PIN.

In the PAM responder, pam_set_passkey_prompting_options() is added to src/responder/pam/pam_prompting_config.c to check and handle the PAM prompting passkey configuration options.

pc_list_add_passkey() copies the interactive prompt message to pc->data.passkey.prompt_inter and the touch prompt message to pc->data.passkey.prompt_touch and set type PC_TYPE_PASSKEY.

If interactive or touch options are set to false, then these values are set to an empty string. If pam_sss reads an empty string for these prompts it does not include them in the PAM conversation. This is done because we can’t fallback to a default prompt message in this situation, we need to skip the interactive or touch prompt entirely.

Add the prompt message to the data buffer response back to pam_sss by adding PC_TYPE_PASSKEY to case statements in pam_get_response_prompt_config() and pc_list_from_response().

In prompt_passkey(), 1 to 3 messages are provided to the PAM conversation function. The first “Enter PIN:” PAM message is always created. If interactive and/or touch prompts are enabled in the prompt configuration then those messages are added to the pam message array and provided to the pam conversation.

“pam_passkey_auth” enables the passkey device authentication.

“passkey_verification” is added to the SSSD configuration options. It is similar to the “certificate_verification” option for the p11_child, as it contains the parameters needed to tune the passkey_child helper process. The list of parameters and their meaning:

  • user_verification: if set to true, requires user verification (i.e. PIN, password) during authentication. If set to false, does not request user verification during authentication. The default is that the key itself decides what to do.

“passkey_child_timeout” sets the timeout for the PAM responder to wait for passkey_child to finish.

“passkey_debug_libfido2” prints libfido2 library messages. It’s under the [pam] section and it defaults to false.

Another section called [prompting/passkey] is added. This section is similar to other prompting sections (i.e. 2fa). The list of options and their meaning:

  • interactive: set to prompt a message and wait before testing the presence of a passkey device. Recommended if your device doesn’t have a tactile trigger.

  • interactive_prompt=your prompt here: set individual prompt message for interactive mode. Default is: “Insert your Passkey device, then press ENTER.”

  • touch: set to prompt a message to remind the user to touch the device.

  • touch_prompt=your prompt here: set individual prompt message for the cue option. Default is: “Please touch the device.”

An example prompt interaction can look like:

Insert your Passkey device, then press ENTER.
Enter PIN: 1234
Please touch the device.

The user verification can be set in various places:

  • In the IPA passkey configuration

  • In the local sssd.conf

IPA passkey configuration user verification requirement overrides local sssd.conf.

Each passkey needs to be registered before it can be used for authentication. This registration process is quite simple; the user connects the hardware token to the computer, and then, executes the sssctl passkey-exec  --register command.

The command contains several parameters that slightly change its behaviour or its output. The following is a list of the mandatory options:

  • domain: LDAP domain name. Also know as Relying Party in the WebAuthn standard.

List of optional parameters:

  • username: this is the username as registered in the LDAP server.

  • type: public key cryptography. There are three possible types: es256, rs256 and EdDSA. The default is es256.

  • user-verification: requires user verification (i.e. PIN, fingerprint).

  • cred-type: credential type (server-side or discoverable).

  • debug-libfido2: flag to print libfido2 library messages.

The most basic example of a registration would be the following:

# sssctl passkey-exec --register --username=USERNAME --domain=DOMAIN

This outputs the key mapping data ( passkey:credentialId,pemPublicKey) that is used as the input for the registration in the LDAP server. In AD and other LDAP servers the output is copied to the LDAP attribute. In FreeIPA, the key mapping can copied to the WebUI or to a command: ipa user-add-passkey USERNAME KEY_MAPPING, or you can use the FreeIPA’s user-add-passkey command to do it in a single step.

FreeIPA has an additional more direct approach for the key registration. The user connects the hardware token to the computer, and then, executes the ipa user-add-passkey USERNAME --register command on the machine where the device is inserted. This takes care of registering the key and copying the output to the corresponding LDAP attribute automatically.